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Iditarod Area School District (IASD)

IASD Distance Learning Center (located in Eagle River) (907) 694-6100

McGrath School (K-12) (907) 574-0203 (Dollie Nelson - School Secretary) or (907) 574-0518 (Matt Shelborne - Principal)

Headstart - Please contact Tanana Chiefs Conference

Av-STEM Alaska (online aeronautical science courses) Grant Funk (907) 758-2488 
AV-STEM is a local online education business primarily focused on middle and high school. We are, however, in the development stage of  an elementary course. We offer an online Introduction to Aviation course that, not only teaches aviation concepts, but is also dripping with math and science. At the high school level this course counts as 1 Aeronautical Science elective in most school districts.  We currently have over 400 stududents in this course in 47 states and at least 5 countries. We have partnered with the Unmanned Safety Institute and offer their courses in Drone Technology. High school students can get dual credit for some of the courses earning up to 12 college credits while in high school. We welcome questions at <>. Visit our website at